Google Analysistic Tracking ID: UA-31586289-1

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

諾亞方舟 - 五月天 Noah's Ark by Mayday

諾亞方舟 - 五月天 Noah's Ark by Mayday **

-I don't mind if you're critical to correct my grammar Or

    whatever that makes it better :p" *-

再見,... 草莓甜甜圈,... 街角咖啡店,... 落下雨點
Farewell, strawberry donut, coffee shop around the corner, raindrops are falling
再見,... 黑白老照片,... 回憶電影院,... 埋進地面
Farewell, black & white nostalgic pictures, reminiscence movie theaters, buried in ground

再見,... 我們初識的那個公園,
Farewell, the park where we first met,
那天是誰先吻了誰, 被誰遺忘的鞦韆...?
who took action first to kiss the other one, a swing was forgotten by which one of us?
再見,... 那麼多名車,名錶, 名鞋,
Farewell, huge quantities of cars, watches and shoes of famous brands
最後我們只能帶走.. 名為回憶的花園...
In the end, we can only take.. the garden called memory

如果要告別... 如果今夜就要和一切告別
If it's a G'bye, if we have to take our leave of everything tonight
如果你只能打一通電話, 你會撥給誰...?
If you can make only one call, who will you be calling?

晚安,... 鸚鵡和孔雀,... 花豹和人類,... 望著海面...
G'Night, parrots & peacocks, leopards & human beings, looking on the sea surface
晚安,... 底片和唱片,... 沉浮在浪間,... 就像詩篇...
G'Night, negative & records, floating on waves, just like poems
晚安,... 自由女神漂到華爾街,..
G'Night, Statue of Liberty driftin' to the Wall St.
我們在甲板上摸到.. 杜拜塔頂的塔尖...
We touched the very top of Burj Khalifa
晚安,... 海豚躍出西藏的屋簷,..
G'Night, dolphins jumping out of eaves of Tibet
原來幻想中的這天, 會比幻想更唯美...
Then I realize a day like today that I fancied is more beautiful than it really is.

還是要告別,... 還是放棄海拔以下的世界
Have to say adieus, Have to abandon the world below an elevation
你會裝進什麼回憶紀念, 在行李裡面...?
Which memory or remembrance will you pack in luggage?

終於要告別,... 終於沒有更多的明天要追
Finally, it's time to say G'Bye, Finally, no more tomorrow to chase
你有什麼遺憾依然殘缺, 還沒有完美...?
Do you still feel sorry for something or feel something incomplete, still blemish?

當彗星燃燒天邊, 隕石像雨點...
When comets burning the sky, meteorities falling like raindrops
When radiations flame out than solar flare

當愛變得濃烈, 當每段命運.. 更加壯烈..
When love becomes strong, when each fate gets heroic
當永遠變成一種遙遠, 當句點變成一種觀點..
When forever turns to too far to reach, when full stop turns to a point of view
Makes people turn to the one of a kind

勇敢的告別~.. 勇敢地向過去和未來告別,
Say G'bye with bravery, be brave to say g'bye to the past and to the future
告別每段血緣身分地位, 聰明或愚昧~~..
Say G'bye to every kindred, identity, position, intelligence or ignorance

最後的告別~~.. 最後一個心願是學會高飛,
Final G'Bye, my last wish is to learn how to fly high
飛在不存在的高山草原, 星空和藍天.....
fly among high mountains and grasslands, starry sky and blue sky

讓... 諾亞方舟... 航向了... 海平線
Let Noah's Ark sail to sea parallel
讓... 諾亞方舟... 航向了... 換日線
Let Noah's Ark sail to date line
讓... 諾亞方舟... 航向了... 天際線
Let Noah's Ark sail to skyline
讓... 諾亞方舟... 航向了... 無限
Let Noah's Ark sail to infinitude


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